Monday 29 December 2014

NGO’S Role in Developing Countries

  • Muhammad Rasheed
  • Asif Maqbool
  • Naeem Qasim

In Pakistan, NGOs are a relatively new phenomenon. The term is usually applied to organizations engaged in social uplift activities of some sort, and especially the provision of services traditionally considered to be a part of the government's preserve. NGOs have asserted themselves as a third party in the traditional relationship between the State and civilian society, where the latter is represented by political parties. The growing recognition of the effectiveness of NGOs in micro-level development has enabled them over the years to advocate an alternative development strategy. Korten (1989) distinguishes between four generations of NGOs which have been involved in: 
  • Relief and welfare;
  • Small-scale, self-reliant local development;
  • Sustainable systems development;
  • Information and networking for people's empowerment.
The success of NGOs depended in the existence of what Rumansara (1990) called "the political space", i.e., the social space in which people are given more opportunity to take part in the decision-making process and are no more longer dominated by bureaucrats, the State or the ruling regime. In areas where such possibilities exist, NGOs can acquire the ability to influence policy formulation and reform. There are two main paths through which that can be done: either in a participatory role by replicating more widely the experience of successful programmes at the micro-level, or in an advocacy role by influencing those in authority to make macro decisions. 
NGOs can provide an important supplement to the public sector at low cost, extend the outreach of government services and amplify the coverage of, for example, agricultural extension services. SRSC and the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme are good examples in that regard. NGOs have collaborated with the government in preparing the NCS, collected and provided micro-level information to the government and multilateral agencies, and entered into negotiations with the government and with NGOs of the developed countries over the issues that divide North and South. Therefore NGOs are becoming an important force which the government must take into full account. 
NWFP is characterized by tribal and feudal norms and traditions. Before British rule and independence, self-help and mutual cooperation were the only ways to endure life in an area with tough physical environmental conditions and little means of communication. Land and other natural resources were the only means of subsistence, complemented with modest internal and external trade. The people had to cooperate in digging irrigation channels and logging the forests. Social life was also centred around the community rather then the individual. Weddings, funerals and other festivals were occasions when the entire community pooled its resources in participation. Agricultural and forestry were also community activities, irrespective of ownership status. The management of common resources was also undertaken by the community itself. Even dealing with cases where rules were violated was a community effort; for example, in Chitral a man caught felling a tree without prior permission would have been punished by having to sacrifice a goat or other animal which would be eaten by the rest of the village. It was only with the occupation of the subcontinent by the British in the eighteenth century that led to the government assuming a paternalistic role, resulting in increased dependency on the State. 
That situation continued after the creation of Pakistan in 1947. Bureaucratic control over public funds for development made them vulnerable to abuse and caused an inequitable distribution of benefits. Together with political instability and fragmented policies, the situation resulted in the erosion of public trust in State mechanisms and increasing corruption. The quality of life and the provision of basic services to the general public remained questionable. Consequently, there was a renewed interest in self-help initiatives in sustainable development with the help of NGOs, community-based organizations (CBOs), village organizations (VOs) and other private sector organizations. 
Joint communal work is now taking on new shapes as a result of the influence of external factors. The motivation of receiving funds from the donors and aid-giving agencies is an important factor for in the formation of NGOs/CBOs for community work. Those NGOs and societies have to register under a variety of laws such as: the Companies Ordinance, 1984, section 42; the Society Registration Act, 1860; the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Act, 1961; the Trust Act, 1882; and the Charitable Endowment Act, 1890; the Provincial Water Users Association Ordinance and Cooperative Societies Act, 1925 (Provincial National Conservation Strategy, 1991). The registration of NGOs, CBOs and VOs under any of the above laws is done at the provincial level. 
Community participation in NWFP began in the 1980s when forestry and integrated development projects helped to organize village groups that would play a role in meeting project development goals. At present, in NWFP several such programmes and projects exist which are operating through community organizations, either by helping to create new projects or reactivate existing ones. The CBOs and VOs are playing a significant role in the successful implementation of those programmes and projects. NGOs formed in 1990s also work with CBOs and VOs, and play an important role in their respective fields. They are catalysts for change and are a source of empowerment for the local communities. They are very effective in advocacy, awareness raising and the highlighting of human rights issues. In addition, they sometimes act as a check on ill-conceived government policies. The most important international, national and local NGOs working in NWFP include:. 
  • IUCN, which is working for advocacy, environmental conservation and development;
  • The World Wildlife Fund, which is working in the field of wildlife, national parks and protected areas;
  • The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, which working in Chitral and northern areas of Pakistan in the field of agriculture, education, environment, income generation, institution building and women in development;
  • The Sarhad Rural Support Corporation (SRSC) working in Charsadda, Kohat, Karak, Mansehra Abbottabad and Haripur districts in the field of agriculture, health, institution building, welfare and women in development;
  • Khwendo Kor, working in Nowshera, Peshawar, and Swat in the fields of education, family planning, health, income generation, nursery raising and women in development;
  • The Pak-German Integrated Rural Development Project, which is working in Mardan and Swabi on integrated development;
  • The Sungi Development Foundation, which is working in Abbottabad, Haripur, Manshera and Battagram on integrated development;
  • Ghazi-Barotha Traqeiyati Idara, which is working in the Ghazi, Swabi and Attock areas on advocacy, resettlement and development for the Ghazi-Barotha Project;
  • The Pakistan Environmental Protection Foundation, which is working on awareness raising, sanitation and afforestation;
  • Action Aid, which is working in Kalinger/Haripur in the field of rural development;
  • The Aurat Foundation, which is working throughout the whole province in the fields of women in development and related issues;
  • The Human Resource Management and Development Centre, which is operating in Peshawar in the field of environment;
  • The Shewa Educated Social Welfare Association, which is working in Swabi on integrated development;
  • The Da Lass Gul Welfare Programme, which is working in Peshawar, Nowshera, Swabi and the Khyber Agency in the field of education;
  • The Gunyar youth welfare organization, which is working for the improvement of the local environment in the villages of Swat District.
Weaknesses and problems of non-governmental organizations 
NGOs are not yet fully mature and suffer from a lack of clarity in their mission and objectives, which leads to them working in too many different fields. Some also experience difficulties in getting donor support. In NWFP the NGOs are predominantly donor-dependent, and most of them lack experienced and skilled managers mainly because of a lack of funds. Therefore, a strategy is needed to outline the ways and means through which the NGOs and CBOs/VOs can play their part in the sustainable development of the province. The strategy will become an integral part of SPCS and hence will provide a platform for the NGOs, CBOs and VOs to become a part of the overall development process in NWFP. To date, the Social Welfare Department is the only government department providing support to NGOs, mostly in the form of small grants. The limited funds, bureaucratic procedures and lack of institutional capacity at the field level has rendered the service by the Department virtually ineffective. Even if it worked, it would naturally focus on social welfare problems with little or no attention being paid to environmental and development issues. SPCS has co-facilitated the development of an alliance among NGOs in NWFP, called the Sarhad NGOs Ittehad, which is an important step toward NGO networking. SPCS envisages support for its replication at the local level. That will increase their role in networking and public decision-making.

Background:PakistanNonGovernment Organization Support Program

Program Goals and Tasks

The goal of this program is to move toward poverty eradication and promote sustainable development in Pakistan by building civil society's capacity to create structural conditions for democratic development and good governance.
The task is to initiate participatory development approaches where people assume the central position at all levels in development projects, as an alternative to the top-down social welfare and charity approaches.
The participatory development or empowerment approach focuses on building the capacities of civil society communities to serve their own needs. It has been successfully used in projects such as the internationally renowned Orangi Pilot Project in Karachi. The brainchild of Dr. Aktar Hameed Khan, this community development program allowed communities in the urban slums to overcome problems of sanitation, housing, health, education and employment.
SAP Pakistan wants to help build a democratic society which includes the marginalized and the vulnerable in informing public policy. The Canadian International Development Agency and South Asia Partnership Canada began a partnership 15 years ago and result in the creation of South Asia Partnership Pakistan, an independent non-government organization in Pakistan that "trains the trainers" with an array of civil society organizations. South Asia Partnership Pakistan today has a network of over 2,000 community-based organizations involved in political education for a democratic society that respects human rights and gender equity. This program benefits participating communities by helping them become capable of planning and implementing sustainable development initiatives and accessing necessary resources.

Supporting Pakistan NGOs: Phase One

Registered in 1989, SAP Pakistan arrived in the wake of General Zia-ul-Haq's military dictatorship and into a fragile democracy. For 11 years, the dictatorship had shrunk institutions, suspended democratic discourse, seen the emergence of fundamentalist forces in the country, and left Pakistan civil society in a state of total disarray.
When the program began, the goal was to improve the quality of life of the poorest segments of the population by funding community-based projects. As SAP Pakistan learned more about the nature of local non-governmental and community-based organisations (CBOs), it was evident that most of these organisations were still in their formative phase. Few had sufficient institutional capacity to plan and undertake viable community development projects and they needed help in developing their capabilities in project planning and management. So SAP Pakistan adapted to this need.
Consequently, in 1991, SAP Pakistan revised its program strategy and shifted its focus from a project funding to a capacity-building organisation dedicated to promoting democracy, equality, social justice and tolerance in society. The ultimate goal was to strengthen the capacities of these fledgling organizations to become catalysts for sustainable and democratic development in their communities and advocates for supportive policies and programs. The new approach emphasised training, the formation of networks and partnerships, and the implementation of long-term community organisations. SAP Pakistan designed its Resource Development Program to create a strong body of activists drawn from their local communities and committed to participatory development methods.
A strong emphasis was placed on increasing community understanding of issues affecting people's lives, SAP Pakistan started to promote social activism by linking micro development issues with macro development problems. Linking poverty to human rights, democratisation, and good governance became part of a myriad of challenges in strengthening civil society.
When the Government of Pakistan launched the Social Action Program in 1993, which acknowledged the need to transfer responsibility for development initiatives to local NGOs/CBOs, SAP Pakistan was poised to fill some of this gap as historically, Pakistan did not had a network of mature NGOs/CBOs with the ability to design and implement strong development projects in the social sector.

Supporting Pakistan's NGOs: Phase Two

In Phase Two of the program, from 1995 to 2003, SAP Pakistan delivers an integrated program of capacity building support to organizations through training, project partnership and advocacy.
  • A 12 month training program provides NGOs/CBOs with a theoretical orientation of civil society and alternative development participatory processes, including workshops in gender and development, human resource development and financial management.
  • It implements targeted community development projects (link to projects) with CBOs/NGOs in Pakistan, supported by Canadian partner NGOs/CBOs through SAP Canada. Approximately half of its community development programs address the needs of women through its partnership program division and a significant amount of informal learning takes place in the community about gender equality.
  • Fostering CBO/NGO networking and collaboration, and linking these organisations to government and advocacy organizations.
  • Developing provincial and national networks capable of training additional organisations and communities has created a multiplier effect.
This program has provided the platform for SAP Pakistan to become a respected leader in the NGO community, particularly in terms of mobilizing the country's first national NGO network, the NGO Forum, and its engagement in dialogue and advocacy with the Government of Pakistan on policy and legislation issues.
SAP Pakistan actively and strategically promotes women's issues and gender equality in all its activities and actively collaborates with women's rights groups on women's human rights, economic empowerment and access to social services. Over half of its community development programs address the needs of women through its partnership program division and a significant amount of informal learning takes place in the community about gender equality. Depending on the geographic location, programs are either run by women or for women beneficiaries.
Recently, SAP Pakistan has implemented a "Women in Politics Program" promoting women as political leaders at the local level as a result of the Local Governance Reforms and Devolution.
The Canadian linkage and partnership development program of the PNSP aims to increase Canadian awareness and support of development issues in Pakistan using a three-pronged approach:
  • development education, foster dialogues, exchanges and learning to inform Canadians on gender equity, good governance, social justice and the promotion of all human rights, drawing on SAP Pakistan's experience in the field.
  • partnership development, focusing on building linkages, understanding, solidarity, as well as, project support for Canadian and Pakistani organisations working for social change.
  • NGO consultation held with both Canadian and Pakistani partners in Pakistan.
Through regular seminars, workshops, and brown bag lunches, the development education component of the PNSP has focused on engaging a diverse group of organisations in Pakistani development issues: NGOs, research and academic institutions, media, South Asian community organisations and ordinary Canadians. The PNSP also participates in SAP Canada's South Asian regional forums by providing a Pakistan perspective on important sustainable development issues, highlighting issues to the attention of policymakers and NGOs for possible programming.
While local governments are primarily responsible for the provision of basic services, their revenues have not kept up with population and economic growth. The Orangi Pilot Project in Karachi, is held up as one of the best examples of NGO-led development in an urban area. Known as one of the most successful NGO sanitation provision projects, this program has helped over one million people to improve sanitation since its inception in 1980.

Pakistan's Social Action Program

In 1993, the Government of Pakistan (GOP), acknowledging the poor social status of its citizens, initiated the Social Action Program (SAP) to improve basic social services-elementary education, primary health care, population welfare, and rural water supply and sanitation.
An aid consortium including Asian Development Bank (ADB), (British) Department for International Development (DFID), the Netherlands Government and the World Bank supported the first phase of the Social Action Plan (1993-1997), and were joined by European Union in the second phase (1997-2002).
The first phase aimed to increase sector financing and monitoring and evaluation, while the second phase, based on lessons learnt in the first phase, placed more emphasis on policy development, governance, and capacity building.
The SAP was successful in terms of putting the social sector on the priority agenda of the federal and provincial governments, building capacity at these levels, and improving planning and evaluation. The SAP helped increase girl's education, and health and family planning services, often in combination with private services.
Due to the growing macroeconomic crisis, public expenditure on education, health, and population declined from 2.7 percent of GDP in the mid-1990s to 2.1 percent of GDP in 2001. The GOP and external assistance agencies did not fully anticipate the serious and entrenched neglect of public social services and underestimated difficulties in improving implementation and efficiency. Social sector development requires a social transformation and a radical change in the way social services are managed, with full recognition of the roles of communities and the private sector.
Pakistan's performance with regard to social development has been disappointing. While health and population indicators showed some improvement, education indicators stagnated. There was some reduction in the gender gap in education, but no progress was made in reducing the urban-rural gap. Because of weak governance and declining public expenditures, the SAP failed to achieve the targeted improvements in the social indicators.

Local Governance Reforms and Devolution

The military government of General Pervaz Mussarraf initiated a number of reforms to address governance problems and long-standing structural challenges. On the political side, the Devolution Plan announced in March 2000, is a fundamental reform. It aims to replace the existing highly centralized and control-oriented government with a three-tiered local government system that institutes "people-centred, rights and responsibility-based, and service oriented" government structures.
The elected local governments took power on August 14, 2001 in over 100 districts in the four provinces. Local elections were held over a six-month period on a non-party basis, with full adult suffrage.
The Local Government Ordinance promulgated on 14 August 2001 provides for three levels of local government, each with a governing council:
  1. district governments (107);
  2. tehsils (about three per district); and
  3. union councils (about 20-30 per tehsil), which comprise villages/urban wards.
Significantly, thirty-three percent of seats are reserved for women at all three levels of local government, and additional seats are reserved for peasants, workers, and minorities. The majority of elected council heads (nazims) and deputy heads (naib nazims) may belong to local influential families, but it is also significant that nearly 50 percent of councillors belong to disadvantaged sections of society, women, peasants, and workers.
Devolution, first from provincial to elected local governments, and then from the federal to provincial level, will bring fundamental changes to how all public services are planned, financed, and managed. The bulk of basic poverty-focused services, for health, education, agriculture, water, and natural resource management have been devolved to district and lower local governments. Provinces, once predominantly responsible for service delivery, will assume new responsibilities to support and supervise the performance of local governments, not as administrative appendages of the provincial bureaucracy, but as independent corporate bodies accountable to the electorate through political leaders.
In addition to elected councils, the Local Government Ordinance 2001 provided a number of institutionalised opportunities for citizens to participate in council affairs. Citizen community boards, and public safety and justice committees were expected to monitor local government activities. Citizen community boards were also empowered to prioritise investments for up to 50 percent of the local development budget for basic infrastructure and services. Unfortunately, the new government has postponed the formation of citizen community boards, which would have provided a platform for civil society to engage.
Public safety commissions at district, provincial, and national levels, introduced by this Government under amendments to the Police Act of 1861, offer new possibilities to depoliticise the police and to increase their accountability to citizens.
Role of NGOs in Rural development through training in Skills and trades
Besides public sector's development programmes for rural development, the private sector/NGOs are also being encouraged for enhancing the pace of rural development in the country . particularly through innovative participatory approaches. The Agha Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) and National Rural Support Programme are the two main non-governmental organizations which have undertaken various innovative uplift schemes/programmes for the rural areas in Pakistan. Their activities are briefly discussed as under:-
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme(AKRSP) is private, non-profit NGO, established by the Aga Khan Foundation with the assistance of foreign donor agencies and Aga Khan Foundation itself, It started its activities in December , 1982 initially in the villages of Gilgit and Ghizer districts of the Northern Areas to improve quality of life of the villages in programme area. In 1986, the programme was extended and replicated in the Chitral district of the NWFP and the districts of Skardu and Ganchey of the Northern Areas. The AKRSP since its beginning focussed on enhancing incomes and quality of life of the people of the programme area. On entering into its new five year phase ,1997-2001, the AKRSP's objectives have been further clarified to reflect the development context of the Northern Areas and Chitral, Encompassing the institutional and economic development issues, the two major objectives of the new phase are :-
i)Promotion of local institutions to be the part of an effective and sustainable system for broad-based rural development, and
Increase average per capita incomes to levels, comparable to that of the rest of the country.
Major achievements of the AKRSP by the end of 1998 are listed below.
More than 3500 village organizations and 2300 women's organizations have been formed in the Programme Area.
Approximately 2000 infrastructure schemes have been initiated. Of which, 1700 have been completed. these projects have collectively benefitted more than 100,000 households in the Programme Area. 55000 kanals of new land has been brought under cultivation , as a result of investment in the irrigation schemes.
More than 300,000 kilograms of improved cereal seed, 150,000 kilograms of fodder seed, and 200,000 kilograms of improved potato seed have been supplied to small local farmers. In addition, over 1 million fruit trees had been distributed. Also 3500 community members , both male and female have been trained, as agricultural specialists.
Around 5000 cross-breed cattle have been supplied to local populations. 240 brooding centres had been established , and 600,000 poultry chicks supplied to these brooding centres. Around 5000 male and female livestock and poultry specialists have been trained.
Some 15 million forest plants have been provided to communities in Northern Pakistan, while village organizations themselves have planted 8 million trees established 1500 forest nurseries, and 1300 village forestry specialists trained.
A big vegetable seed production venture has been started in Gilgit, through a system of contract farmers. A major wool spinning and weaving project. primarily benefiting women has also been started in Chitral. Over 2000 male village specialists and 1000 female specialists have been trained for various enterprise sectors.

National Rural Support Programme
The National Rural Support programme (NRSP), has been registered as a Limited Company since November, 1991 with its headquarter in Islamabad. The objective of the NRSP is to foster a country-wide network of community organizations at the grassroots level and enable them to plan, manage and implement their development plans at their own. The ultimate goal of the NRSP is to reduce intensity of poverty and improve rural people's quality of life.
The NRSP is the largest private non-profit national development organization in the country, operating in twenty one districts of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir in some of the biggest partnerships, involving the government, NGOs, banks and donors. it has the following 5 major fields of operation.
Human Resource Development
Rural Credit and enterprise Development
Natural Resource Management
Physical Infrastructure and technology Development.
Social Sector Services.

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