Monday 5 January 2015

Strawberry Marketing System

·       Asif Maqbool
·       Muhammad Rasheed

The Agriculture sector is the lifeline of Pakistan's economy.  Fertile Agricultural land in Pakistan is blessed with a multitude of resources, well-irrigated plains, extremes of weather, and old tradition of farming. Agriculture share is 21.4 percent of GDP, employs 45 percent of the country’s labor force and contributes to the growth of other sectors of the economy. It is strongly linked to food security, poverty alleviation, rural development (GOP, 2013). Pakistan comprises of four provinces, namely Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyberpakhtunekhwa. Out of four provinces, Punjab is the most populous and also has the fertile lands and suitable for cultivation of large varieties of crops including fruit and vegetable. Pakistan has a geographical area of 79.61 million hectares and occupies 21.41 million hectares of cultivated area, which is 26.88 percent of total geographical area of Pakistan. Forest area of Pakistan is 4.23 million hectares, which is 5.3 percent of total geographical area. Pakistan has 7.82 million hectares of culture-able wastage, which is 9.8 percent of total geographical area and 23.53 million hectares geographical area which is not available for cultivation accounts 29.55 percent.  
Horticulture is one of the major subsections of Agriculture. It contributes 12 percent in overall agriculture GDP of Pakistan. Under the changing agriculture scenario, it has been recognized that the horticulture sector plays a very important role in providing the employment to the farmers globally. The diversification in agriculture for improving sustainability, profitability and productivity will help in not only improving the farm income but also will engender rewarding employment. Fresh fruits and vegetables are important components of a healthy and balanced diet; their consumption is encouraged in many countries by government health agencies to protect against a range of illnesses such as cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Pakistan annually produces about 13.5 million tons of fruits and vegetables, As far as fruit cultivation is concerned, the area under cultivation is 836 million Acres and annually fresh production of fruits is 6926.7 tones.
Horticultural crops have quite a diverse production and storage attributes. Some can be grown in a variety of climates and locations, while others can be grown in only a few places. Some, such as apples or Dates, can be stored but many must be consumed or processed soon after harvesting. This makes geographical distance important in determining trade patterns of fruits and vegetables, compared with patterns for the major field crops.
Fragaria ananassa commonly known as strawberry, which is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness that is cultivated worldwide for its fruit. There are more than 600 varieties of strawberry fruits that differ in size, texture, and flavor. The name 'strawberry', that it holds is derived from a farmers' practice of mulching the plant with straw. There is one more theory about the origin of the word strawberry. Strawberries being abundant in nature were not cultivated as a cash-crop. Strawberries strewn among fallen leaves were a common sight in olden days. This might have led to the development of the word strawberry from the two words, 'strewn' and 'berries'. In England, children used to pick strawberries scattered in the wild and sell them in local markets. In order to handle them properly, the strawberries were tied to pieces of straws. The plant first had the name strew-berry, which later was changed to strawberry. Varieties of strawberries are also found in Europe. The history of strawberry in Italy can be traced back to 234 B.C
 Pakistan is producing a very small quantity of strawberries which are either directly consumed or used in making medicines, ice-cream, flavors,  jelly, jams, chocolates, cake and milkshake. Strawberry is widely used in cosmetics like shampoos, moisturizers, cleansers, soaps, etc.  It is most appetizing and very nutritious fruit with a sweet essence and attractive aroma. It has enormous dietetic and one of the potential source minerals and proteins particularly iron. Strawberry is best suitable for raw consumption. Delicious fruit but it is a bit expensive in Pakistan. The strawberry, like many other perishable fruits at this time, remained a luxury item only enjoyed by the wealthy peoples. The main varieties of strawberry which are cultivated in Pakistan are Toro and Douglas suitable for southern areas of Pakistan. Overall agriculture is very risky business as well as Strawberry is also very perishable product and its marketing is also very risky and insecure. At the start of the season the price of fruit is charged round Rs.300 to Rs.200 per kg in big cities. Then average price comes down to Rs.100 to Rs.50 per Kg in the mid of the season and end of the season.
Fruits and vegetables are perishable in nature and cannot be stored for longer periods, which result in very sensitive and complicated trading of these horticultural commodities and exposing big challenges to suppliers, processors and traders. In addition, the inconsistent availability of healthy fruits and vegetables from farm-gate to the consumers, continuous quality assurance push by the traders and supermarkets, competitive global environment, increasing trend of better supply by companies of other competitive countries and also more and more implications of quality standards are also other parallel competitive elements making this business more vulnerable and complex. Fruits and vegetables require certain effective post harvest management practices for better quality and ultimate price. Therefore, to cope with these challenges, the only integrated way to be applied from farm gate collection through washing, grading, packaging, storage and marketing to ultimate consumers is to establish the consistent and sustainable supply system of “Farm-To- end Consumer”, currently transformed as Supply Chain Management (SCM).
Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside of the skin. One strawberry fruit item produces on an average 200 seeds. There is a museum in Belgium just for strawberries. The strawberry was a symbol for Venus, the Goddess of Love, because of its heart shapes and red color. Strawberry fruit plant belongs to the rose family. It is believed that the strawberries and other parts of the strawberry plant can alleviate or aid in the treatment of various diseases or disorders. Many medicinal uses were claimed for the wild strawberry, its leaves and root. The ancient Romans believed that the berries alleviated symptoms of melancholy, fainting, all inflammations, fevers, throat infections, kidney stones, halitosis, attacks of gout, and diseases of the blood, liver and spleen. It is said that the leaves, roots and fruits of this variety of strawberry were used for a digestive or skin tonic. Internally, the berry was used for diarrhea and digestive upset, while the leaves and the roots were used for gout. Externally, it was used for sunburn and skin blemishes, and the fruit juice was used for discolored teeth.
Strawberries are highly perishable and need careful handling and severe adherence to suitable postharvest management practices in order to sustain finest fruit quality after harvest. For utmost market life, strawberries need rapid removal of field heat coupled with low temperature storage (0 to 1º C) and maintenance of the cold chain during transport and distribution. With best possible postharvest care and the proper cultivar, strawberries have a 7 to 10 day market life. In order to realize this potential market life, careful attention must be given to all the details of product handling, packaging, and postharvest temperature and relative humidity management. Appropriate postharvest temperature management is the single most important factor influencing strawberry market life and fruit quality. Good field cleanliness is a central aspect of maintaining high percentages of market quality fruit throughout the entire harvest season. Injured, defective, over-ripe, or decayed fruit should be removed carefully from the field during each harvest by placing it into a separate container on the picking cart. This will prevent the spread of disease from infected/rotting fruit to healthy fruit.
Appropriate postharvest temperature management is the single most important factor influencing strawberry market life and fruit quality. Strawberry harvesting should begin early in the morning after dew on the fruit surface has dried. Avoid harvesting strawberries in the afternoon. Strawberries are harvested at different stages of maturity, depending on the cultivar and market preference. Maturity in strawberries is best indexed by external surface color and firmness of the fruit. Strawberry fruit is very susceptible to bruising. They should be picked with great care. A significant amount of bruising can occur at harvest when the berry is detached and if the picker holds several fruits in one hand prior to transfer to the picking container.
Today’s society is characterized by an increasing health consciousness and growing interest in the role of food in maintaining and improving human well-being and consumer health. Vegetables and fruits are fully recognized for their benefits towards healthy living. Strawberry is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. The fact that strawberry contains fewer calories makes it an excellent food for diabetics and patients in general. Strawberries can be grown indoors in strawberry pots, and also be propagated by seed which is not widely practiced commercially. Strawberries can be grown almost anywhere including as a potted plant. Planting strawberries need somewhat sandy soil and preferably in full sun. During the time that the plant is forming fruit, enough water is needed.
Strawberry production is complex, and intensive management is needed to produce a successful commercial crop. Growers must know the physiological needs of the crop, proper cultural practices, and identification and control of insects, diseases, weeds, and pests. Cultural practices vary tremendously, according to growing region, production system, and cultivar. Prospective growers must understand financing, cash flow, business management, and marketing; attention to detail and meticulous record keeping are essential.
Table 1.1 shows that strawberry is a rich source of many vitamins including C, E and K. It also contains Calcium, Carbohydrates, Potassium, Magnesium and other minerals which are useful for our health.
Table : Nutritive value of strawberry per 100g
16 mg
Vitamin    C
Vitamin    E
Vitamin    K
2.2 μg
5.7 mg
According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, USA is the largest strawberry producing country in the world with a share of 32.79 percent of world production. Other major strawberry producing countries are Turkey, Spain, Korea, Mexico, Japan, Poland and Egypt.
 Table  World Strawberry Production (Metric Tons)                           
1 053 240
1 090 440
1 109 220
1 148 350
1 270 640
1 294 180
320 853
330 485
269 139
281 240
263 700
275 300
200 000
211 127
250 316
261 078
291 996
299 940
201 995
205 307
203 227
192 296
203 772
231 803
Russian Fed
221 000
227 000
230 400
180 000
185 000
165 000
196 200
190 700
191 400
190 700
184 700
177 500
184 627
193 666
174 578
200 723
198 907
176 748
162 627
191 843
176 396
207 485
233 041
226 657
146 769
143 315
160 558
155 583
163 044
153 875
100 000
128 349
174 414
200 254
242 776
238 432

Strawberries have been grown in California since the early 1900’s. Today, over 25,000 acres of strawberries are planted each year in California and the state produces over 80% of the strawberries grown in the United States. On an average, each acre produces about 21 tons of strawberries and the state produces one billion pounds of strawberries a year (FAO, 2012).
Country economy depends on the government reserves, as much more export and less imports economy gets stronger. If we talk about the strawberry exports then Spain is the most leading country in the world strawberry export with a share of 45.84 percent.                                                          
 Table World Strawberry Export (Metric Tons)
216 641
207 974
186 377
188 042
224 618
360 204
97 383
103 953
116 744
129 236
130 027
139 810
52 357
70 970
66 914
71 769
61 893
66 019
42 289
39 089
39 004
38 038
38 044
38 573
39 564
29 525
35 068
31 854
40 459
43 090
40 999
34 439
23 998
23 228
23 191
18 000
22 887
22 917
17 746
23 285
17 000
17 914
27 045
19 494
18 066
21 946
21 602
18 396
22 691
24 329
17 315
14 024
16 188
15 078
3 054
12 676
21 613
9 284
66 992
17 513

In Pakistan average per acre yield is very low as compared to other strawberry growing countries of the world due to lack of proper agricultural practices, unavailability of basic inputs, lack of research and economic restriction between the strawberry cultivars. This fruit has many prospects but it needs proper care and handling to increase its marketing. Like other fruit marketing of strawberry is also facing a lot of problems which is mainly improper marketing practices, inappropriate method of picking, less production, poor quality of fruits and insufficient and improper transportation and storage facilities. The present study is designed to estimate market margins, marketing efficiency and role of different market players along with identification of the main impediments faced with selecting respondents in the marketing of strawberry in the study area.

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